Apr 29, 20201 min

Music: A Tool To Help Connect

Intern Brandon

Music is one of the most powerful tools out there that can help bring people together and cure the heart and soul. I have never been gifted with music per-say, I would say the best I could ever do was playing the recorder in the 2nd grade. Yet I have always been really drawn to music and I think a persons music taste can tell a lot about someone. I often ask people that I want to know more about to make me a playlist of their favorite songs so that I can try and understand them more.

I have put together a playlist of some of my favorite songs that I have come to love and play in times when I need them most. Whether it be cleaning the house or taking a long drive to clear my mind, music is always there to create comfort and happiness even in the smallest of tasks.

I hope you all are doing well. As things start to slowly open back up I urge everyone to stay safe and continue to social distance to the best of your ability to keep yourself and others around you safe. We will get through this together and I am very much looking forward to connect and and spend time with everyone I love after this is all over.


-Brandon S.
