Gallery Donations

Acceptance of Materials
The exhibitions department welcomes clean, gently used or new:
Bubble wrap
Gift bags
Tissue paper
Packing/mailing tape
Blue painter's tape
We no NOT accept Styrofoam packing materials.

Acceptance of Works of Art
The Fitton Center for Creative Arts is a programming community arts center. Therefore it does not have the appropriate space, storage, climatic controls, staff, or budget to receive and/or hold permanent works of art.
See below for more information.
Acceptance of Works of Art (Continued)
The arts center will regularly present a richly diverse series of visual arts through temporary exhibitions.
If and when offered pieces of art, the generous intentions of the donor will be respected and acknowledged, but in most cases the work will not be accepted.
In rare instances, the arts center may consider accepting a work of particular importance. In this case, a representative and knowledgeable group will be convened to consider the aesthetic merits and value of the piece(s). This group will generally include the Exhibition Committee (to be appointed by the Chair) and other experienced consultants as needed, who will review the proposed gift and make a recommendation to the Executive Director.
Due to the unique nature and sizable value of significant permanent works of art, the Executive Director may defer final acquisition decisions to the full board.
Any permanent work of art, prior to acceptance, should be accompanied by sufficient funds, as judged by the Finance Committee, to ensure long-term maintenance and adequate insurance coverage.
At the suggestion of the Executive Director, art will be accepted that:
only adds significant diversity
has clear artistic merit
and/or is professionally evaluated to be easily converted to cash
An acceptance agreement will be maintained that indicates once donated to the Fitton, the Center can dispose of the piece as the Fitton deems appropriate.